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A Lucky Girl_关于描写一个幸运女孩的英语作文

[10-18 17:55:38]   来源:http://www.guaituzi.com  初中英语作文   阅读:58491

概要:, she isn't pretty enough but she is full of independence. The writer of Harry Porter chose her because the girl's character is more like the character in the book. Maybe I'm a bit envious but I really hope the lucky girl will succeed. I am anxious to see how the girl acts her part. That's the why I like Harry porter.注释: 1) begin to camera开始投拍 2) a Chinese American girl一个华裔的关国女孩 3) to get the role得到这一角色 4) in my opinion根据我的观点,依我看 5) full of independence充满了独立精神 6) I am anxious to see how the g一rl acts her part.我渴望着看到她怎样扮演她的角色。

A Lucky Girl_关于描写一个幸运女孩的英语作文,http://www.guaituzi.com

    The famous film Harry Porter Ⅲ will begin to camera. A Chinese American girl is lucky enough to be the girl friend of Harry Porter in the new film. The girl couldn't believe it herself because thousands of girls in the world wanted to get the role. In my opinion,  she isn't pretty enough  but  she is full of independence. The writer of Harry Porter chose her because the girl's character is more like the character in the book. Maybe I'm a bit envious but I really hope the lucky girl will succeed. I am anxious to see how the girl acts her part. That's the why I like Harry porter.
    1) begin to camera开始投拍
    2) a Chinese American girl一个华裔的关国女孩
    3) to get the role得到这一角色
    4) in my opinion根据我的观点,依我看
    5) full of independence充满了独立精神
    6) I am anxious to see how the g一rl acts her part.我渴望着看到她怎样扮演她的角色。

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