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初中英语作文:My favourite animal

[10-18 17:38:59]   来源:http://www.guaituzi.com  初三英语作文   阅读:58190

概要:If you ask me what my favourite animal.I can tell you pandas are my favourite.I like the pandas not only because they are one of the China's treasures,but also because they looks cute.Pandas are very fat and hairy. They have two colours:white and black.The panda'sd face,back and stomach are all white, their eyes nose legs and arms are all black.The pandas like eating bamboo. Using the paws,he chew the bamboo very slowly with his mouth.There are two pandas called tuantuan and yuanyuan will send to Taiwan.

初中英语作文:My favourite animal,http://www.guaituzi.com

  If you ask me what my favourite animal.I can tell you pandas are my favourite.I like the pandas not only because they are one of the China's treasures,but also because they looks cute.

  Pandas are very fat and hairy. They have two colours:white and black.The panda'sd face,back and stomach are all white, their eyes nose legs and arms are all black.

  The pandas like eating bamboo. Using the paws,he chew the bamboo very slowly with his mouth.

  There are two pandas called tuantuan and yuanyuan will send to Taiwan.

标签:初三英语作文九年级英语作文大全,初三英语学习方法初中学习 - 初三学习 - 初三英语 - 初三英语作文

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