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[10-18 14:25:25]   来源:http://www.guaituzi.com  高三英语作文   阅读:58856

概要:santhemum blooms, reminding people of the folktale. And later a special cake with dates, chestnuts and meat was made to add more festivity to the special day.吃重阳糕:重阳的饮食之风,除前所述的饮茱萸、菊花酒,吃菊花食品之外,还有好些,其中最有名的就是吃糕。在北方,吃重阳糕之风尤盛。Eat double-ninth cakes:The wind of the diet of The Double Ninth Festival , except the previously described ZhuYu, chrysanthemum wine, drink chrysanthemum food,there are a lot of other food. one of the most famous is double-ninth cakes. In the north, eating double-ninth cakesthe is in its popularity.积累这些关于重阳节的英语作文素材,不仅仅能锻炼和提升英语能力,同时还能让自己的作文更加有看点!




  In the golden September, chrysanthemum blooms, reminding people of the folktale. And later a special cake with dates, chestnuts and meat was made to add more festivity to the special day.


  Eat double-ninth cakes:The wind of the diet of The Double Ninth Festival , except the previously described ZhuYu, chrysanthemum wine, drink chrysanthemum food,there are a lot of other food. one of the most famous is double-ninth cakes. In the north, eating double-ninth cakesthe is in its popularity.


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