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[04-04 00:41:14]   来源:http://www.guaituzi.com  合同范本   阅读:580

概要:source numbers as defined under the "Guidelines for Procurement" of . 2. ___________ Company now invites sealed tenders from pre-qualified tenderers for provision of the necessary labour, materials, equipment and services for the construction and completion of the project. 3. Pre-qualified tenderers may obtain further information from, and inspect the tender documents at the office of: ________. 4. A complete set of tender documents may be obtained by any pre-qualified tenderer for the cost of RMB _________ or US $ ___________ on the submission of a wr

INVITATION TO TENDER,http://www.guaituzi.com


Tender No._______________

1. ________has applied for a loan and credit from_______Bank towards the cost of ____________ Project.It is intended that part of the proceeds of this loan and credit will be applied to eligible payment under various contracts for __________, __________, __________. Tendering is open to all tenderers from eligible source numbers as defined under the "Guidelines for Procurement" of .

2. ___________ Company now invites sealed tenders from pre-qualified tenderers for provision of the necessary labour, materials, equipment and services for the construction and completion of the project.

3. Pre-qualified tenderers may obtain further information from, and inspect the tender documents at the office of: ________.

4. A complete set of tender documents may be obtained by any pre-qualified tenderer for the cost of RMB _________ or US $ ___________ on the submission of a written application to the above.

5. All tenders must be accompanied by a Tender Security in an acceptable form and must be delivered to ________ Company at the above-mentioned address (refer to Item 3) on or before ___________.

6. Tenders will be opened in the presence of those tenderers' representatives who choose to attend at ____________ (time).

7. If a pre-qualified foreign tenderer wishes to form a joint venture with a domestic contractor, such a request will be considered if received within ______ days before the closing date for submission of tenders. The selected local contractor shall be subject to approval by the Employer.

8. The Pre-Tender Meeting will be held on __________ at the following address:_________.
Instructions to Tenderers General

1. Description of Works (sketch)

All tenderers shall have equal access for supply of domestic labour and material.
The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for the procurement of local labour, materials, transportation and other services.
The Employer will assist the Contractor in locating potential number of suppliers for local labour, materials. The Employer will also assist the Contractor in making his own arrangement for supply of fuel and explosives.

2. Source of Funds

2.1 _______has applied for a loan and credit from _____Bank towards the cost of _________ Project, and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of the loan and credit to eligible payments under the Contract for which these documents are issued. Payment by will be made only at the request of _____and upon approval by_____ and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the Loan Agreement. No party other than shall derive any rights from the Loan Agreement or have any claim to the loan proceeds.

2.2 Payment from the proceeds of _____ Loan will be limited to goods produced in, and services supplied from___and the members of____ which have commercial relations with _____ .

2.3 All costs not met by_____ Loan will be paid by the Employer from funds allocated by _____.

3. Eligibility and Qualification Requirements

3.1 This tender is open to all pre-qualified tenderers from eligible source countries as defined under the "Guidelines for Procurement"of .

3.2 All goods and services to be supplied under this Contract shall have their origin in eligible source countries, and all expenditures made under the Contract will be limited to such goods and services.

3.3 The origin of goods and services is distinct from the nationality of the tenderer.

3.4 To be eligible for award of contract, tenderers shall have provided evidence satisfactory to the Employer of their eligibility under Clause 3.1 above, and of their capability and adequacy of resources to effectively carry out the Contract. To this end, the Employer and _______Company may, at any time prior to award of contract, request tenderers to amplify or update previously submitted pre-qualification data.

All Tenders submitted shall include the following information:
(a) Copies of original documents defining the constitution or legal status, place of registration and principal place of business of the company, firm or partnership or, if a joint venture, of each party thereto constituting the tenderer;

(b) The qualifications and experience of key personnel proposed for administration and execution of the Contract, both on and off site, in the format prescribed in Schedule V;

(c) Major items of constructional plant and equipment proposed for use in carrying out the Contract in the format prescribed in Schedule IV;

(d) A list of proposed sub-contractors in the format prescribed in Schedule VI;

(e) Information regarding any current litigation in which the tenderer is involved;

(f) The details of the construction methods proposed.

3.5 For the purposes of Clause 3.4, tenderers who have been pre-qualified may update and augment the information supplied with their application for pre-qualification, and, in particular, shall give particulars of work in hand at the date of tendering.

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