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英语作文:一点小事(A little thing)

[04-04 00:40:42]   来源:http://www.guaituzi.com  一年级英语说课稿   阅读:58891

概要:on my way home, i saw two boys running to small recreation vehicle.i hurried to ask them do not runnig from the small recreation vehicle.when the two boys stop,i told them it was dangerous to do that.they thanked me and we said goodbye to eash other.i felt heppy to heip the two doys.(www.guaituzi.com)

英语作文:一点小事(A little thing),http://www.guaituzi.com

  on my way home, i saw two boys running to small recreation vehicle.i hurried to ask them do not runnig from the small recreation vehicle.

  when the two boys stop,i told them it was dangerous to do that.

  they thanked me and we said goodbye to eash other.i felt heppy to heip the two doys.


标签:一年级英语说课稿pep小学英语说课稿,人教版小学英语说课稿,小学英语说课稿范文小学英语学习 - 一年级英语 - 一年级英语说课稿

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