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[04-04 00:40:42]   来源:http://www.guaituzi.com  小学一年级英语试题   阅读:58696

概要:.Look at the bin. It’s small and dirty.10.Com here, Mom. Look at the chick It‘s small and yellow.It has two legs. I like it.11.Go there, May. Look at the elephant. It’s big and white.It has a long nose and four legs. It can dance.12.Go there, Sam. What do you see? I see a pig. It‘s big and white.Come here, Mum! OK. What do you hear, Mum?“Oink, oink”. A pig goes “oink, oink”.13.I have a friend. She is black and white. She is fat.She has a black nose and two black and white ears. She has a short tail.She likes to eat



  1.Look at the horse. It‘s big and brown. 2.Look at the elephant. It’s fat.

  3.Look at the tiger. It‘s yellow and brown

  4.Look at the monkey. It’s thin.5.Look at the panda. It‘s fat.

  6.Look at the building. What do you see?

  7.Look at the road. Look at the car. The car is fast.

  8.Look at the park. What do you see? I see a slide and a swing.

  9.Look at the bin. It’s small and dirty.

  10.Com here, Mom. Look at the chick It‘s small and yellow.

  It has two legs. I like it.

  11.Go there, May. Look at the elephant. It’s big and white.

  It has a long nose and four legs. It can dance.

  12.Go there, Sam. What do you see? I see a pig. It‘s big and white.

  Come here, Mum! OK. What do you hear, Mum?

  “Oink, oink”. A pig goes “oink, oink”.

  13.I have a friend. She is black and white. She is fat.

  She has a black nose and two black and white ears. She has a short tail.

  She likes to eat bamboo(竹子)leaves. Who is she? She is a panda.

  14.What is this? It is a bear. It’s big and yellow.

  15.What colour is it? It is pink. It‘s a pink pig.


  horse马 elephant大象 bear熊 tiger老虎 monkey猴子 panda熊猫

  pencil铅笔 quilt被子 back退后 look at看 friend朋友 little小的

  white白色 long长的 who谁 all全部的 how about怎么样 road路

  kite风筝 bin垃圾箱 park公园 building建筑物


标签:小学一年级英语试题小学一年级英语试卷,一年级英语试卷分析小学英语学习 - 一年级英语 - 小学一年级英语试题

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