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[04-04 00:40:42]   来源:http://www.guaituzi.com  三年级英语试题   阅读:58568

概要: 2( ) A eraser Beraser Cerasre3( )Apencil Bpencil Cpenlic4( )AscohlBschool Cshloo5( )Abody Bboyd Cbyod 五、选出不同类别的单词,将其编号填在括号内。(20分)( ) 1、A banana B pear C short ( ) 2、A pencil B pen C ruler ( ) 3、A pencil B book C school ( ) 4 A dog B pig C play ( ) 5 A red B one C green ( ) 6 A girl B teacher C bus( ) 7 A class B school C pen ( ) 8 A Chinese B English C class( ) 9 A mother B father C boss( ) 10 A house B window C desk 六、根据所给情景选句子,将其编号填在括号内。(16分
















   Y         b        F       i       t        n  

   H         o        a       j        d       e  



An apple  a book  a boy  a girl

finger  hand ruler  book





1(  )Aface  BfcaeCface  

2(  ) A eraser  Beraser  Cerasre

3(  )Apencil  Bpencil Cpenlic

4(  )AscohlBschool Cshloo

5(  )Abody  Bboyd  Cbyod 




(  ) 1、A  banana   B  pear     C  short

  (  ) 2、A  pencil   B  pen      C  ruler

  (  ) 3、A  pencil   B  book     C  school

  (  ) 4  A  dog      B  pig      C  play

  (  ) 5  A  red      B  one      C  green

  (  ) 6  A  girl     B  teacher  C  bus

(  ) 7 A class      B school    C pen  

(  ) 8 A Chinese    B English   C class

(  ) 9  A mother    B father    C boss

(  ) 10 A house     B window    C desk



1、如果你要问别人叫什么名子,你该问:(   )

[A What’s your name?  B Where’s my box?  C What colour is it?]


2、如果你想向别人表示感谢,你该说:(   )

[A  Excuse me!  B Thank you!  C Great!]


3、如果你想邀同学上学时,你该说:(  )

[A  It’s ok!  B  Let’s go to school!  C  Glad to meet you!]


4、你想知道别人多大年纪了,你该说:(  )

[A How are you?  B How old are you?  C What’s your name?]


  • 早上好!(  )[A good morning!  B Good morning!]


  • 初次见面( )[A Nice to meet you! B Thank you!]


  • 想看别人的东西( )[A Here you are! B May I have a look?]


  • 想问颜色( )[A What time is it?  B What colour is it ]?



  • goodmorning


2 mynameisWuHua


3 seeyoutomorrow


4 what’syourname


5 ihaveapencil


6 closethewindow



7 happymother’sday



8 showmeyourruler


9 whereisyourmouth


10 goodafternoon



标签:三年级英语试题三年级语英语试卷,三年级语英测试题小学英语学习 - 三年级英语 - 三年级英语试题

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