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[03-25 07:51:37]   来源:http://www.guaituzi.com  五年级英语学习辅导   阅读:58460

概要:yerT hank you Father for the blessings you've given this day.H elp us to remember, Thou has shown us the way.A nd give us strength to help those in need.N ever letting us forget, Thy merciful deeds.K eep us in Thy tender loving care.S ave us, O Lord, when we are in despair!G ive us grace as we walk through life.I nspire us to seek our brothers amid the strife.V ictory in Thee will be our guiding star.I n courage we march not caring how far.N ow we ask for the most important thing. G rant us salvation to escape death's sting.(Jim Smith)-www.guaituzi.com



  A Thanksgiving Prayer

  T hank you Father for the blessings you've given this day.

  H elp us to remember, Thou has shown us the way.

  A nd give us strength to help those in need.

  N ever letting us forget, Thy merciful deeds.

  K eep us in Thy tender loving care.

  S ave us, O Lord, when we are in despair!

  G ive us grace as we walk through life.

  I nspire us to seek our brothers amid the strife.

  V ictory in Thee will be our guiding star.

  I n courage we march not caring how far.

  N ow we ask for the most important thing. 

  G rant us salvation to escape death's sting.

  (Jim Smith)



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