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小学生暑假英语日记 5

[03-02 08:54:27]   来源:http://www.guaituzi.com  五年级英语学习辅导   阅读:58124

概要:小学生暑假英语日记 5January 17 2005Today, I still went to my mother’s office. My mother was very busy, so was my father. They always live in Beijing. They must get up early. Because they will manage the factory. So I know they are very laborious. So I should save my money. Also I should help them. Although I can’t do something useful, but I think I should share the work with them. I am one of my family member. In the future, I will take a job and work. It’ time for me to begin to learn how to work.www.guaituzi.com

小学生暑假英语日记 5,http://www.guaituzi.com

  小学生暑假英语日记 5

  January 17 2005

  Today, I still went to my mother’s office. My mother was very busy, so was my father. They always live in Beijing. They must get up early. Because they will manage the factory. So I know they are very laborious. So I should save my money. Also I should help them. Although I can’t do something useful, but I think I should share the work with them. I am one of my family member. In the future, I will take a job and work. It’ time for me to begin to learn how to work.


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