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[04-04 00:42:12]   来源:http://www.guaituzi.com  小学英语作文   阅读:58705

概要:Yesterday was my friend birthday.She invited me to participate in her birthday party. I have prepared a gift.At her birthday party she bought a big birthday cake,fruit,fish and many snacks. I gave her gifts,she was happy.We sang and danced,everybody was very happy.We had a good time.


  Yesterday was my friend birthday.She invited me to participate in her birthday party. I have prepared a gift.At her birthday party she bought a big birthday cake,fruit,fish and many snacks. I gave her gifts,she was happy.We sang and danced,everybody was very happy.We had a good time. 

标签:小学英语作文小学英语作文范文大全,小学英语作文大全英语作文 - 小学英语作文

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