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关于如何保持健康演讲稿的初中英语范文(二)_How to stay our fit?

[10-18 17:55:38]   来源:http://www.guaituzi.com  初中英语作文   阅读:58493

概要:Dear boys and girls: I’m talking about / Here is my advice about how to keep health/fit? Today many teenagers are unhealthy because they do less exercise, eat more junk food don’t have enough time to sleep. If we want to keep fit, we must keep taking exercise every day .Eat lots of fruit and vegetables .Sleep for about 8 hours a night. Stay away from cigarettes/smoking/drugsxx .Early to bed early to rise/get up .Breathe (呼吸)the fresh air in the open air. Keep happy every day. That is my advice. I hope you are healthy and enjoy your life.(英语作文)

关于如何保持健康演讲稿的初中英语范文(二)_How to stay our fit?,http://www.guaituzi.com

Dear boys and girls:
     I’m talking about / Here is my advice about how to keep health/fit? Today many teenagers are unhealthy because they do less exercise, eat more junk food don’t have enough time to sleep. If we want to keep fit, we must keep taking exercise every day .Eat lots of fruit and vegetables .Sleep for about 8 hours a night. Stay away from cigarettes/smoking/drugsxx .Early to bed early to rise/get up .Breathe (呼吸)the fresh air in the open air. Keep happy every day. That is my advice. I hope you are healthy and enjoy your life.(英语作文)

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