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关于打击罪犯的四级英语作文_Fighting Criminals

[04-04 00:42:12]   来源:http://www.guaituzi.com  英语四级作文   阅读:58868

概要:give up the fight and other people turn a blind eye to them.However,some people are brave enough,to risk their lives to fight the criminals.Their fearless actions prevented the criminals from doing evils,saved the victims,and protected the public properties. To reduce the crime rate,we all the people should first receive a law education.Criminals must be severely punished.Meanwhile we should set up a foundation to reward those who fight criminals.It is also important to call on people to learn from those heroes and encourage more people to stand up to crime.

关于打击罪犯的四级英语作文_Fighting Criminals,http://www.guaituzi.com

    Today the crime rate in soe cities of our country is rising. Many citizens often complain about the thefts and robberies that have taken palce in the areas they live in and appeal to the governments at all levels to take effective measures to reduce the crime rate.(英语作文)
    Faced with criminals,some people are so frightened that they shamelessly give up the fight and other people turn a blind eye to them.However,some people are brave enough,to risk their lives to fight the criminals.Their fearless actions prevented the criminals from doing evils,saved the victims,and protected the public properties.
    To reduce the crime rate,we all the people should first receive a law education.Criminals must be severely punished.Meanwhile we should set up a foundation to reward those who fight criminals.It is also important to call on people to learn from those heroes and encourage more people to stand up to crime. 

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