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My Sunday

[04-04 00:42:12]   来源:http://www.guaituzi.com  初中英语作文   阅读:58856

概要: half past six. after breakfast, i usually go shopping with my mother by bike. at 12:30, i have lunch. then i read books in my free time. i ofen do my homewoek from 14:00 to 16: 00 .then i play games with my ciassmates. after supper, i play computer games and read some interesting books. at 22:00, i go to bad.

My Sunday,http://www.guaituzi.com

                 “the   early       bird      catches   the   worm" so,    i      always      get up      at about        half     past   six.        after       breakfast,    i    usually     go  shopping     with    my    mother      by     bike.     at       12:30, i  have        lunch. then i           read   books        in     my      free      time.       i        ofen       do   my    homewoek        from     14:00           to       16:   00  .then   i  play        games       with        my          ciassmates.    after    supper,    i       play      computer   games   and       read   some    interesting      books.       at         22:00, i        go      to bad.

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