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How to Make the Road Safer?_关于怎样使道路更安全的英语作文

[04-04 00:42:12]   来源:http://www.guaituzi.com  初中英语作文   阅读:58200

概要:s obey these rules.They are careless. How can we make the road safer? Before we cross the road,we must stop and look both ways.Don't run red lights. It is very dangerous. When we want to cross the road,we must wait until the road is clear. Help the children or very old people-to cross the road. We must obey the rules and set good examples. If everybody obeys the rules, the roads will be much safer.注释: 1) to make the road safe使道路更安全 2)look both ways向左右看 3) run red lights闯红灯 4) wait until the road is clear等到路上没有车辆 5) set good examples树立好榜样

How to Make the Road Safer?_关于怎样使道路更安全的英语作文,http://www.guaituzi.com

    Road accidents happen every day. There are rules to make the road safer, but some people do not always obey these rules.They are careless. How can we make the road safer?
    Before we cross the road,we must stop and look both ways.Don't run red lights. It is very dangerous. When we want to cross the road,we must wait until the road is clear. Help the children or very old people-to cross the road. We must obey the rules and set good examples.
    If everybody obeys the rules, the roads will be much safer.
    1) to make the road safe使道路更安全
    2)look both ways向左右看
    3) run red lights闯红灯
    4) wait until the road is clear等到路上没有车辆
    5) set good examples树立好榜样

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