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[04-04 00:42:12]   来源:http://www.guaituzi.com  初中英语作文   阅读:58233

概要:y and· effective way to find what you want on the Internet. Although you can almost always find the information through googling, the search engine at the same time will give you more than you want. It takes time to find what you want among hundreds or thousands of pieces of information.Sometimes you may find the information not reliable.注释: 1) search for寻找 2) search engine搜索引擎 3) key words关健词 4) easy and effective way简易有效的方法 5) at the same time同时 6) give you more than you want给得过多 7) it takes time花费时间 8) not reliable不可信赖


    If you want to search for information on the Internet, you can use the search engine. It is called "google". Just open your computer and type in the key words, the information you need will appear before you. Googling is an easy and· effective way to find what you want on the Internet.
    Although you can almost always find the information through googling, the search engine at the same time will give you more than you want. It takes time to find what you want among  hundreds  or  thousands  of  pieces  of  information.Sometimes you may find the information not reliable.
    1) search for寻找
    2) search engine搜索引擎
    3) key words关健词
    4) easy and effective way简易有效的方法
    5) at the same time同时
    6) give you more than you want给得过多
    7) it takes time花费时间
    8) not reliable不可信赖

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