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(新标准)二年级英语上册教案:Unit1 Wheres the cat?

[04-04 00:40:42]   来源:http://www.guaituzi.com  二年级英语教案   阅读:58384

概要:(新标准)二年级英语上册教案:Unit1 Where's the cat? 1. Listen, point and find "Where's …?" 第2页Look at the cats.Where?On the bed.Oh yes. How many cats?One, two, three, four, five, six, seven …Eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve.Twelve cats!Where's the orange cat?I don't know!Is it under the bed?Yes, it is.And the other cats?2. Listen and say. 第3页Where's the orange cat?I don't know!Is it under the bed?Yes, it is.3. Practise. 第3页in 在……里面 on 在……上面 under 在……下面Where's the pencil?Is it under the book?Yes, it is. www.guaituzi.com

(新标准)二年级英语上册教案:Unit1 Wheres the cat?,http://www.guaituzi.com

  (新标准)二年级英语上册教案:Unit1 Where's the cat?

  1. Listen, point and find "Where's …?" 第2页

  Look at the cats.


  On the bed.

  Oh yes. How many cats?

  One, two, three, four, five, six, seven …

  Eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve.

  Twelve cats!

  Where's the orange cat?

  I don't know!

  Is it under the bed?

  Yes, it is.

  And the other cats?

  2. Listen and say. 第3页

  Where's the orange cat?

  I don't know!

  Is it under the bed?

  Yes, it is.

  3. Practise. 第3页

  in 在……里面 on 在……上面 under 在……下面

  Where's the pencil?

  Is it under the book?

  Yes, it is.




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